Gabrielle Camille Ferreira

Gabrielle Camille Ferreira

PhD student in Media and Communication

University of Oslo, Norway


Hello! My name is Gabrielle Ferreira, and I am a PhD student at the Department of Media and Communication at the University of Oslo.

Currently, I am researching the transnational expansion of Turkish TV dramas by focusing on Spain. Some of the questions I want to answer are how Spanish audiences perceive Turkish dramas, how these productions coexist with local content and content from other origins, and the proximities that exist within the reception process.

As a master's student, I have investigated the audience reception of Turkish TV dramas in the Latin American context, more specifically in Brazil and Uruguay. I have also been involved in projects regarding innovations in Brazilian telenovelas and reality TV shows.

I am very curious about how content travels globally and the interplay between linear television, streaming platforms, and informal distribution. Feel free to contact me if you wanna know more about my work or chat about TV!


  • Popular culture
  • Television
  • Audiences
  • Fans
  • Transnational media


  • MS in Communication, 2019-21

    Federal University of Paraná, Brazil

  • BS in Communication, 2014-18

    Federal University of Paraná, Brazil



Research Assistant

Ibero-American Observatory of Television Fiction (OBITEL/UFPR)

Mar 2020 – Aug 2022 Curitiba, PR, Brazil
Member of the OBITEL/UFPR, a part of the Ibero‐American Observatory of Television Fiction (OBITEL). The group developed a project exploring narrative innovations adopted by Brazilian telenovela A Mother’s Love (Amor de Mãe) within the context of the COVID‐19 pandemic.

Research Assistant

Center for Studies in Serial Fiction (NEFICS)

Jan 2018 – Jun 2021 Curitiba, PR, Brazil
Member of the Center for Studies in Serial Fiction (NEFICS). The group conducts researches on gender, identity and representation in serial fiction.

Teaching Assistant

Federal University of Paraná

Feb 2016 – Dec 2017 Curitiba, PR, Brazil
Supervised and assessed second‑year students’ assignments for the Graphic Design undergraduate course. Topics approached during the course included art movements, color theory, typography and visual hierarchy.

Awards & Grants

Award for Best Graduate Student Paper

Award for Best Graduate Student Paper

Graduate Research Scholarship

Teaching Assistantship


(2021). The Role of Online Fan Communities in the Popularization of Turkish TV Dramas in Brazil. Global Fusion 2021 Virtual Conference, Texas A&M University, United States, October 29–31, 2021.

(2021). As fronteiras do melodrama: negociações de telespectadores brasileiros e uruguaios na recepção da ficção televisiva turca. 44th Brazilian Congress of Communication Sciences (INTERCOM), Catholic University of Pernambuco, Brazil, October 4‐9, 2021.

(2021). Growing Up Between Television and Streaming: The Case of Brazilian Soap Opera Young Hearts (Malhação). Television Histories in Development Conference, Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision, Netherlands, September 30–October 1, 2021.

(2021). Taking the TV Out of Turkish TV Dramas: Online Distribution of Turkish Productions in Brazil. International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR 2021), United States International University‐ Africa, Kenya, July 11–15, 2021.

(2020). Percepções sobre as telenovelas turcas no Brasil e no Uruguai. XV Congreso de la Asociación Latinoamericana de Investigadores de la Comunicación (ALAIC), Pontifical Bolivarian University, Colombia, November 9-13, 2020.

(2020). From Subversives to Conservatives: Perceptions of Turkish TV Dramas in Brazil. Global Fusion Virtual Conference 2020, Southern Illinois University Carbondale & Southern Illinois University Edwardsville, United States, October 9-11, 2020.

(2020). The Phenomenon of Turkish TV Dramas in the Land of Telenovelas: Fatmagul and its Reception in Brazil. The Fourth Biennial CARGC Symposium, Annenberg School for Communication at the University of Pennsylvania, United States, May 8, 2020.

(2019). As telenovelas turcas na América Latina: um comparativo entre a recepção no Brasil e no Uruguai. XXVII Jornadas de Jóvenes Investigadores de Asociación de Universidades Grupo Montevideo (AUGM), Federal University of São Carlos, Brazil, October 23-25, 2019.

PDF Poster

(2018). O resgate do melodrama: uma análise do interesse das telespectadoras brasileiras pelas narrativas melodramáticas clássicas a partir da recepção da telenovela turca Fatmagul. International Congress in Communication and Consumption (COMUNICON), Superior School of Advertising and Marketing, Brazil, October 8-11, 2018.


(2018). O consumo das telenovelas turcas no Brasil: uma análise do comportamento das telespectadoras de Fatmagul. 3rd International GEMInIS Journey (JIG), Federal University of São Carlos, Brazil, August 28-30, 2018.



Annual Report on the Graduate Program in Communication

Reviewed papers submitted to the Serial Fiction Section at the 44th INTERCOM, the biggest and most traditional communication congress in Brazil.

Annual Report on the Graduate Program in Communication

Collected data about professors, students and projects for the annual 2021 report submitted to the Brazilian government through the Sucupira Platform, which is used to evaluate the quality of graduate programs.

Communication and Gender Course

Invited as a guest lecturer to the Communication and Gender Course at UFPR. Presented the key concepts of Islamic Feminism and used Turkish TV dramas to illustrate them to undergraduate students.

Lattes Curriculum Workshop

Conducted a workshop for prospective students in the Graduate Program in Communication at UFPR to instruct them on how to create a curriculum on the Lattes Plataform, an integrated database of Brazilian researchers.

Meeting for the Research in Communication (ENPECOM)

Managing registrations, payments and certificates for the national meeting organized biennially by the Graduate Program in Communication at UFPR.

Courses and careers fair

Presented the BS in Communication at UFPR for prospective students at the annual Courses and Careers Fair.

Media, Public Space, and Education Project (MEP)

Participated in an educommunication project at UFPR 2016 that consisted in analyzing the repercussion of news, and, based on the value conflicts identified, developing didactic material for high school students.


Online Summer Program in Japanese Cultural Studies

Specialization in Trends Management and Coolhunting

Tenri University Summer Japanese Language Course



Experience writing documents with LaTeX.


Experience conducting qualitative data analysis with ATLAS.ti.


Experience conducting qualitative data analysis with NVivo.


Beginner using pandas, Matplotlib and seaborn.